Saturday, May 5, 2012

Giant Moon

This moon looms large and low
rolling over the horizon
struggling skyward under its girth,
lumbering to climb the very trees
       caught in silver silhouette,
laboring to carry the weight aloft
of lovers caught in its pull.

Sun not fully set,
the eager celestial orb impatient
       to exert its influence,
to be captured by the throngs,
those paparazzi pens of poets
wide-eyed in wonderment,
and staring back mournfully,
       soulfully, bemusedly;
the spectacle it must see on rising,
amazed as an artist whose work
points to him in awe.

And spilling its beauty infinite
in graceful glide above
casts a surge of silver
through the windows of my soul.
And I have no magic to express
that moment of loveliness.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Song Of You

The wind blows love songs from afar
And rides the night on a fallen star;
A glow of light from enchanted skies
Holds the trance that stills my eyes.
I'll kiss the song that fills the air
With haunting words that rise and flare.
Eyes of flame that know not shame
Speak of love and call my name;
Knowing eyes, soft glowing eyes,
That burn with tears and loves' surprise
To draw my heart so close to you
As rosebuds draw the mornings dew.
If I should be a great strong tree
Your tender self could lean on me.
Your touch would start and tear apart
Flames that consume an aching heart.
And I would be but smoke to rise
Forever lost in empty skies.