Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Here am I
destroying my liver
and you walk about
as if nothing has happened?
This kombucha I keep
in a refrigerated heart
and sip from whenever
the compulsion fails to start
is nothing more than
an imagined hurt
a resentment no more delicious
than the dirt
I choose to feed it.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


But a dream or two ago
we'd trade a kiss hello.
But the scourge of dreams... ?
Soon I'll wake, and it seems
certain my tears will flow.
In a world of constant change
some things never do.
That's how it's meant to be
with the love I've held for you.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Hatred, being a cage
of personal choosing,
is a consumptive disease
an act of volition
in losing individual freedom and self
while love, in all its prerequisites
requires lovers lose themselves
to find themselves
to become themselves

The Burnished Copper Girl

"Have you seen her,"
          they all say,
"The red-haired woman
          with the sexy sway?"
"Yes I've seen her",
          one man cries,
"The ultimate enigma
          with bright blue eyes!"

"She caught my breath,"
          one man speaks.
"I've dreamt of her
          in my sleep."
Her copper locks glisten
          in the light.
Her milky skin glows
          like the moon at night.

She owns the room
          but unaware
of the reaction she cause'
          or the lengthy stares.
With all eyes upon her
          women wish they were she.
Men all want the woman
          and wish they were me.