Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Parsing Thoughts

Only a few birds are still speaking
the troubled ones, I think, 
as this dusk settles to dark 
and I am left
to look about aimlessly 
and emptily seeking what can be said
for purchase against the unsayable.

And as I might attack a block of ice 
with pick and mallet 
I prize apart the compressed, 
the mass of my obdurate brain,
picking loose the skein of thoughts 
before compressing them anew, condensing,
distilling phrases to word.

My tragic capacity for self-deception 
with the limitation of language,
a driven force required 
to overcome these mantras,
I now see my words a simple finger 
pointing to the moon,
not the moon itself 
and the mallet life's strongest force,

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Too long have I slumbered
secure within the discomfort
of transferred fears,
the paralyzing gifts
that kept me in a box
unable to venture out,
unable to risk.

I've been hindered, I believe,
believing in the false realities
imposed by others,
my inability to fulfill your expectations,
my feet held to the fire
for falling short.

Lately I spend much time thinking
maybe I have a right to ask for what I want.
Maybe I have a right to be happy.
Maybe it's acceptable, to me,
to have healthy relationships.

I should spend more time writing
and perhaps, one day
I can eliminate the word "maybe".